The Carbon Cycle and the Science of Climate
Carbon Connections is a three-unit, online curriculum for grades 9-12 that was designed to improve your understanding of the carbon cycle and the science of Earth's climate. Each of the three units includes five lessons. Each lesson includes focus questions, hands-on activities, virtual field trips, and interactive models. The concepts covered in the lessons span all science disciplines.
The three units follow carbon in past, present, and future contexts. The five lessons in each unit are designed to engage and challenge you by allowing you and your classmates to manipulate NASA and other data. Investigating the evidence of climate change is an important and timely matter. It's also important for you to know what you can do to address the issue. As you work through Carbon Connections, you will see that there are some easy ways for you to be a part of the solution. This supports your learning about the carbon cycle and the science of climate.